The Gibbons Elementary School, located in Stoughton, is collaborating on a storm water management project with the Stoughton Engineering Department. The project set in motion will identify and contain the runoff pollution in nearby ponds and brooks. The community has been concerned with the health hazard associated with the laden bacteria in local waterways stemming from lack of treatment. The school has been granted $137,000 for the purpose of upgrading the school grounds with modern storm water controls. The project will involve building two bio retention cells/rain gardens and an infiltration basin. The targeted areas of runoff from the school parking lot will be collected and filtered through plants and a specialized type of soil to remove pollution and partially recharge groundwater.
The total cost for the project will be $236,000, with $137,000 coming from the grant and the remainder will be returned in the form of commodities provided by the Town. The Stoughton Engineering Department will take the lead in preparing the final designs for the project and managing the construction process. There are also plans to conduct public outreach related to the project. The investment is intended to serve both as an educational resource for the community, and a mechanism to heighten awareness of storm water infrastructure and flood deterrence.
Save the Dates: Perma-Liner Industries has a lineup of events for you to attend! All are invited to come to one, or if you’re adventurous, all of our LIVE DEMOS coming up in April and May. You can go to to register and find out more but first…here are the dates and locations to save: We’ll be in Dallas April 5th, Seattle April 27th, Chicago May 4th and Philadelphia May 18th. You can expect to have our knowledgeable staff showing you the latest CIPP technology. We want to see you there!