Waterline Renewal Technologies

CIPP in Boston

CIPP in Boston

CIPP in Boston. There was a great amount of interest from Boston drain cleaners and plumbers about CIPP at the Pumper-Cleaner Expo last week.  It’s no surprise to Perma-Liner that the Boston CIPP market is untapped and ready to explode any minute now!  If you came by our booth and have more questions about CIPP lining in the Boston area, please do not hesitate to contact us!




CIPP in Boston
CIPP in Boston


[box type=”info”]If you live in Boston or the New England area and have questions on the Perma-Liner™ products, please call us at anytime. 1-866-336-2568[/box]
Trenchless Pipe Lining

Waterline Renewal Technologies
Waterline Renewal Technologies