Many neighborhoods within the Boston area have experienced fast-paced growth over the last several years. The city is in the process of taking a closer look at how quickly the sewer infrastructures can be adjusted for this growth, in order to accommodate the surge in developing homes. Recent reports have concluded the aging water and sewer pipelines will cost the communities of Massachusetts nearly $18 billion in upgrades. Cities and towns nearby, including Ashland, are struggling to cover the cost of infrastructure. An estimation of over $7 billion will be needed for water systems and almost $9 billion for wastewater treatment systems over the next two decades. Of the approximate 100 cities and communities recently surveyed, most are looking for an alternative solution to present day infrastructure needs; which include expansion and funding. Current funding is expected to include at least $50 million a year in new state aid to help pay for water and sewer projects, as well as state money to leverage low-interest loans to cities and towns. Interestingly, Massachusetts is one of only a handful of states that still leaves jurisdiction over stormwater systems to the Environmental Protection Agency. In some cases, that has facilitated the lending of capital to cover the infrastructure projects. Recent changes now allow cities in need to borrow up to $407 million- combined- to cover costs for water and sewer improvements through a low-interest loan program. Because of this, many cities have taken the opportunity to upgrade pump stations, wastewater treatment facilities, and sewer and drainage systems.
Did you know? If sewer lateral repairs are taking place in your neighborhood, the sewer lateral locations are marked using a green colored wooden stake or green flag on your property line. Green flags are being used instead of wooden stakes when the ground is frozen and represents where your sewer lateral will be placed.