The city of Boston is taking a proactive and collaborative approach to ensuring the best use of energy and resourcefulness of the sewer systems. A recent proposed collective effort would involve local wastewater facilities to produce fertilizer while simultaneously generating electricity. It’s expected that this process of conversion would also become a sustainable source of profitability for smaller cities and neighborhoods near Boston. Cities and towns could market the treated water to be used for irrigation, street sweeping, flushing toilets and other means. Producing electricity and capturing thermal energy closer to the source would be more efficient because it would also alleviate waste.
Sewer work advisory: The city of Framingham is at the start of a project which will replace four of the current Sewer Pump Stations. These four sewer pump stations serve nearby residential homes and will also include the uniformity of the pump stations; providing greater enhancements to safety, stability, and service. A community meeting will be scheduled to provide further details of the upcoming project. Did you know? Boston has a maintenance schedule for the upkeep and inspection of sewer equipment. The requirements for inspecting pump stations have been adjusted so that stations discharging greater than 100,000 gpd (gallons per day) shall be inspected daily, and weekly inspections are required for stations pumping less than 100,000 gpd. However, Wastewater Treatment Plants are able to request less frequent inspection schedules if they choose.
Boston, have you made your plans to attend our Open House? We hope so! It’s in Anaheim, CA and your presence is requested! The Perma-Liner Industries Event will consist of three fun-filled days, chock-full of live demonstrations and information on all of the CIPP technology available. It’s taking place from June 13th-15th. Don’t miss this! Call us to confirm your reservation @ 1-866-336-2568. See you there!