The Boston Water and Sewer Commission has no lead components in the City’s water lines, but some homes and businesses still have lead water lines in service. Lead mineralizes when it’s exposed to water, so the inside of a lead pipe develops a hard rock-like coating over time. Replacement usually involves excavating around the old lead, removing it and replacing it with copper or another safe material. Voluntary replacement of lead plumbing is always an option for a homeowner, but when a lead water line breaks from age, damage or cold weather, repair is not an option. Replacement is the only route in this case.
The City of Boston offers a low-cost, leaking pipe line replacement program for homeowners in its service area. Under the Leak-Up-To-Owner (LUTO) program, a homeowner can replace a leaking water pipe (lead or not) for a reasonable cost. Under the program, homeowners can repay The Water and Sewer Commission in 24 monthly installments as part of their regular water bill with 0% interest on the repair. Eligible accounts are those that serve a 1-3 residence building, have a water line that is no bigger than 2 inches, are up-to-date on their water and sewer account balance, and agree to have BWSC complete the repair. The program is also limited to those properties where replacement does not present any uncommon challenges, like the removal of fences, shrubs, walls or portions of the building.
Boston, a reminder:
Perma-Liner Industries schedule of LIVE DEMOS!! BOOTH # 3223 @ the
world famous WWETT Trade Show!!! Be There!
Convention Center
100 South Capitol Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46225 U.S.A
Thursday, February 18th
10:00 am: Reinstatement Cutters
10:30 am: Perma-Lateral™ Lining
11:00 am: InnerSeal™ Connection Seal
1:00 pm: Sectional Point Repair
1:30 pm: Perma-Main™ Top Gun
2:00 pm: Perma-Lateral™ Lining
2:30 pm: Pull-In-Place
10:00 am: Reinstatement Cutters
10:30 am: Perma-Lateral™ Lining
11:00 am: InnerSeal™ Connection Seal
1:00 pm: Sectional Point Repair
1:30 pm: Perma-Main™ Top Gun
2:00 pm: Perma-Lateral™ Lining
2:30 pm: Pull-In-Place