Of the many cities across America, Boston has been building at a slower pace. One issue is the high cost of construction, in addition to the fast-growing expense of integrating new infrastructure onto waning street and sewer systems. Another impediment is preparing communities to implement a more conventional approach to infrastructure systems, in lieu of traditional methods. While many Cape towns are well on their way when it comes to wastewater planning, relatively few have been able to implement those plans, falling largely on the high costs to taxpayers. Many residents have expressed optimism over recent efforts to update the county’s regional wastewater plan to include the use of alternative technologies, focusing on watersheds, instead of towns. Interestingly, the City of Orleans was one of the first Cape towns to develop a comprehensive wastewater management plan. Outer Cape towns, with lower population densities, have accepted the use of alternative technologies, and have gradually implemented substantial projects without having to develop extensive strategies.
Interesting fact: if you are inclined to recycle greywater inside your home, greywater is typically considered the water that comes from showers, bathroom sinks, dishwashers and clothes washers. It is estimated that approximately 40 to 50 percent of the waste water, generated by the majority of homes, qualifies as greywater and could be recycled. The water from bathtubs, showers and bathroom sinks is relatively cleaner than the water from kitchen sinks, clothes washers and dishwashers, which may contain food scraps and cleaning products. It’s important to choose a greywater filter and pump system that’s made to handle the type of greywater produced by the utility you’re connecting it to.
Coming soon: Perma-Liner Industries is busy making plans for you. We’re planning a “Trenchless Tour” on July 27th in the New England area. We’ll be posting more information on this spectacular event…stay tuned and save the date!